
SLAM-Professional 20+ years aluminum manufacturer with high quality and good price.

Extruded Aluminum Alloy Buying Guide

Shanghai Lockheed Aviation Materials Co., Ltd. makes all manufacturing processes, throughout the lifecycle of extruded aluminum alloy, comply with environmental protection. Recognize eco-friendliness as a vital part of product development and manufacturing, we take preventive measures to minimize the environmental impact throughout this product’s life cycle, including raw materials, production, use, and disposal. And the result is this product meets the strictest sustainable criteria.

All products under the brand SLAM create tremendous value in the business. As the products receive high recognition in the domestic market, they are marketed to overseas market for the stable performance and long-term lifespan. In the international exhibitions, they also surprise the attendants with outstanding features. More orders are generated, and the repurchase rate excels other suchlike. They are gradually seen as the star products.

At SLAM, we provide full service for samples. A strict and standardized sample production procedure has been established in advance. The excellent skills of our technicians enable us to provide our customers with the production of extruded aluminum alloy samples as well as the industry-standard production on a large scale.

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